Saturday, November 22, 2014

Assembling your GTAW Handle

The TIG Body Handle must be assembled prior to actual use, its a simple process and once you get the hang of it you can get it down to a couple second process. It must be done in the correct order or the pieces won't fit together. There are normally 5 pieces the come in a standard TIG Handle, those pieces will be outlined here.

A common mistake to make is screwing the collect body in the wrong direction, as it will fit inside the body. However; it won't allow the nozzle to screw onto the collet body all the way, meaning it could fall off. This is a very dangerous mistake as well, and isn't one that you want to find yourself making

The pieces must assemble in the following order, and please pay extreme attention to detail. First screw the collet body into the body, then screw the nozzle on top of the collet body, make sure the nozzle is able to screw in. The insert the tungsten into the collect, and insert both of those into the back of the body. Push the tungsten until it sticks out nearly ~1/4 inch past the nozzle. Then screw the black cap into the back of the handle body, which will lock your collet and tungsten into place; completing the handle completely.

TIG GTAW Pieces diagram list
Pieces of the GTAW handle, along with their functions.
  • Nozzle - Shields the electricity from branching out; greater control of the arc.
  • Collet - Used to hold the tungsten in place, must match the correct sized tungsten
  • Collet Body - A heatsink for the collet and electrical connector to the tungsten
  • Body - Gas and electricity flows through, and the handle.
  • Tungsten - The electrical conductor made to withstand extreme heat
  • Black Cap - Simply used to lock the collet and tungsten into place.

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